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Check for updates and allow them if available

Often when shutting down, I want to allow updates if they are waiting. This means I have to hunt for the Update check (which Windows 10 users don't need, so it is becoming harder to find). Then I have to disable the Stop Update.
It would be great to have a "check if updates are waiting" button within StopUpdates.
This would also demonstrate that you aren't against updates - it is just that you want to give us back some control over updates.

David Instone-Brewer , 15.06.2019, 13:19
Idea status: in process


noah, 28.10.2019, 11:46
Checking for updates and allowing them if available option is a good idea.
Masud, 23.04.2023, 14:36
Check for updates and allow them if
chindris_mihai, 12.11.2020, 13:36
yes, this is definitely a nice-to-have feature
Good work, 21.11.2023, 15:18
Very good work
Good work, 21.11.2023, 15:19
Good work.

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